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Browse Books in Music

Stranger Music

Selected Poems and Songs

by (author) Leonard Cohen

The Little Black Leather Book of Rock 'n' Roll

edited by Divine Laboratories

A Family Heritage

The Story and Songs of LaRena Clark

by (author) Edith Fowke & Jay Rahn



by (author) Annette Funicello

Songs of Labrador

edited by Tim Borlase

Teachers Guide to Folksongs of the Maritimes

by (author) Kaye Pottie & Vernon Ellis

Max Reger's Music for Solo Piano

by (author) Helmut Brauss

Tune Thy Musicke to Thy Hart

The Art of Eloquent Singing in England 1597-1622

by (author) Robert Toft

Tune Thy Musicke to Thy Hart

The Art of Eloquent Singing in England 1597-1622

by (author) Robert Toft

Franz Liszt

The Weimar Years, 1848-1861

by (author) Alan Walker

Larry Gorman

The Man Who Made the Songs

by (author) Edward Ives

Little Slaves of the Harp

Italian Child Street Musicians in Nineteenth-Century Paris, London, and New York

by (author) John E. Zucchi

The Little Slaves of the Harp

Italian Child Street Musicians in Nineteenth-Century Paris, London, and New York

by (author) John E. Zucchi

Downright Upright

A History of the Canadian Piano Industry

by (author) Wayne Kelly

Aural Images of Lost Tradition

by (author) Robert Toft

Folksongs of the Maritimes

From the Collections of Helen Creighton and Other Distinguished Maritime Folklorists

by (author) Kaye Pottie & Vernon Ellis
illustrated by Kathy Kaulbach

Beethoven's Diabelli Variations

Text with CD ROM

by (author) William Kinderman

Personality Types

A Modern Synthesis

by (author) Alan Miller

Cool Blues

Charlie Parker in Canada 1953

by (author) Mark Miller

Music of our Times

Eight Canadian Singer-Songwriters

by (author) Marco Adria

Power and performance in Gros Ventre war expedition songs

by (author) Orin T. Hatton

The Listener's Musical Companion

by (author) B.H. Haggin & Thomas Hathaway

Folksongs of New Brunswick

by (author) Edward Ives

Singing Mennonite

Low German Songs Among the Mennonites

by (author) Doreen Helen Klassen

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