Browse Books in Hospital Administration & Care

Social Work in the Hospital Organization

Blockchain in Healthcare
Analysis, Design and Implementation

Health Matters
Evidence, Critical Social Science, and Health Care in Canada

Health Equity and Nursing
Achieving Equity Through Policy, Population Health, and Interprofessional Collaboration

Bringing Leadership to Life in Health
LEADS in a Caring Environment: Putting LEADS to work

Health Services Evaluation

Social Work in the Hospital Organization

Fetal, Infant and Ophthalmic Medical Image Analysis
International Workshop, FIFI 2017, and 4th International Workshop, OMIA 2017, Held in Conjunction with MICCAI 2017, Quebec City, QC, Canada, September 14, Proceedings

Deep Learning in Medical Image Analysis and Multimodal Learning for Clinical Decision Support
Third International Workshop, DLMIA 2017, and 7th International Workshop, ML-CDS 2017, Held in Conjunction with MICCAI 2017, Quebec City, QC, Canada, September 14, Proceedings

Paramedics On and Off the Streets
Emergency Medical Services in the Age of Technological Governance

The Janeway
50 Years of Caring for Children

The History of Sunnybrook Hospital
Battle to Greatness

Beyond Persuasion
Communication Strategies for Healthcare Managers in the Digital Age

Cleaning Up
How Hospital Outsourcing Is Hurting Workers and Endangering Patients

Introduction to Aboriginal Health and Health Care in Canada
Bridging Health and Healing

Building Better Health Care Leadership for Canada
Implementing Evidence

Operating Room Confidential
What Really Goes On When You Go Under

Health and Health Care Delivery in Canada

Building Your Health Care Career
A Guide for Students

Using Knowledge and Evidence in Health Care
Multidisciplinary Perspectives

Improving Our Response to Older Adults with Substance Use, Mental Health and Gambling Problems
A Guide for Supervisors, Managers and Clinical Staff

Consumer Health Informatics
Informing Consumers and Improving Health Care

Struggle to Serve
A History of the Moncton Hospital, 1895 to 1953

The Struggle to Serve
A History of the Moncton Hospital, 1895 to 1953