Browse Books in Shakespeare

Of Irony
Especially in Drama

Twelfth Night and Shakespearian Comedy

Shakespeare Lied

Indict the Author of Affection
Affectation and Catachresis in Hamlet

Shakespeare in Succession
Translation and Time

Shakespeare's Guide to Hope, Life, and Learning

Unfixable Forms
Disability, Performance, and the Early Modern English Theater

Communal Justice in Shakespeare's England
Drama, Law, and Emotion

Shakespeare Beyond Science
When Poetry Was The World

Shakespearean Melancholy
Philosophy, Form and the Transformation of Comedy

Shakespeare On Stage and Off

Sonnet's Shakespeare

The Science of Shakespeare
A New Look at the Playwright's Universe

Dualities in Shakespeare

Of Irony
Especially in Drama

Twelfth Night and Shakespearian Comedy

Northrop Frye's Writings on Shakespeare and the Renaissance

Wooden Os
Shakespeare’s Theatres and England’s Trees

Shakespeare and Canada
Remembrance of Ourselves

Renaissance Texts, Medieval Subjectivities
Rethinking Petrarchan Desire from Wyatt to Shakespeare

Culinary Shakespeare
Staging Food and Drink in Early Modern England

Taking Exception to the Law
Materializing Injustice in Early Modern English Literature