Browse Books in General
Prudentius and the Landscapes of Late Antiquity
Virgin Envy
The Cultural (In)Significance of the Hymen
Garage Criticism
Missives in the Age of Distraction
Dictionary of Cape Breton English
The Letter and the Cosmos
How the Alphabet Has Shaped the Western View of the World
Rhythm in the Novel
The Oxford Handbook of Medieval Latin Literature
The Migrant Text
Making and Marketing a Global French Literature
Migrant Text
Making and Marketing a Global French Literature
Roman Literary Cultures
Domestic Politics, Revolutionary Poetics, Civic Spectacle
Shakespeare's Big Men
Tragedy and the Problem of Resentment
The Rise and Fall of the Fine Art Print in Eighteenth-Century France
Veiled Figures
Women, Modernity, and the Spectres of Orientalism
Ukrainian Canadians Writing Home
Privacy in the Age of Shakespeare
Imagining Care
Responsibility, Dependency, and Canadian Literature
Uprooting the Pumpkin
Selections from Sri Lankan Tamil Literature, 1950-2012
Mind, Body, Motion, Matter
Eighteenth-Century British and French Literary Perspectives
The Joseph Johnson Letterbook
Fact and Fiction
Literary and Scientific Cultures in Germany and Britain
In Defence of Theatre
Aesthetic Practices and Social Interventions
The Epigram in England, 1590-1640
Cultural Hermeneutics
Essays after Unamuno and Ricoeur
Writing in Engineering
A Brief Guide