Browse Books in General

A Companion to Ezra Pound's Guide to Kulchur

American Little Magazines of the Fin de Siecle
Art, Protest, and Cultural Transformation

Middleton & Rowley
Forms of Collaboration in the Jacobean Playhouse

Bibliographie critique du roman canadien-francaise, 1837-1900

The Oxford History of the Novel in English
Volume 1: Prose Fiction in English from the Origins of Print to 1750

French 'Ecocritique'
Reading Contemporary French Theory and Fiction Ecologically

Heroic Forms
Cervantes and the Literature of War
Shakespeare in Hindsight
Counterfactual Thinking and Shakespearean Tragedy

American Gothic Culture
An Edinburgh Companion

Visionary Spenser and the Poetics of Early Modern Platonism

J. J. Steinfeld
Essays on His Works
Is Shylock Jewish?
Citing Scripture and the Moral Agency of Shakespeare's Jews

Writing Alberta
Building on a Literary Identity

Indigenous Women's Writing and the Cultural Study of Law

Teenage Writings

The Art of Subtraction
Digital Adaptation and the Object Image

Faithful Labourers: A Reception History of Paradise Lost, 1667-1970
Volume I: Style and Genre; Volume II: Interpretative Issues

Essays on Contemporary Canadian Fiction

Making Canada New
Editing, Modernism, and New Media

Borges and Kafka
Sons and Writers

Staging the Trials of Modernism
Testimony and the British Modern Literary Consciousness

E.J. Pratt: Letters

Speaking Memory
How Translation Shapes City Life

Confluences 1
Essays on the New Canadian Literature