Browse Books in Literary Criticism
The Printed Image and the Transformation of Popular Culture 1790-1860

Acting Between the Lines
The Field Day Theatre Company and Irish Cultural Politics, 1980-1984

Romantic Poetry by Women: A Bibliography, 1770-1835

Configurations of Exile
South Asian Writers and Their World

Body, Inc.
Between Reason and Irrationality

Carlyle and the Economics of Terror
A Study of Revisionary Gothicism in The French Revolution

Christian Plain Style
The Evolution of a Spiritual Ideal

A Portrait of the Artist
Ernest Buckler's The Mountain and the Valley

Writing on Trial
Timothy Findley's Famous Last Words

The Annotated Bibliography of Canada's Major Authors: Volume 6

Streets of Attitude

Novels and The Nation
Essays in Canadian Literature

Canadian Drama and the Critics
Revised Edition

Starting from Ameliasburgh
The Collected Prose of Al Purdy

Sexualizing Power in Naturalism
Theodore Dreiser and Frederick Philip Grove

Gothic Bodies
The Politics of Pain in Romantic Fiction

A.M. Klein
The Story of the Poet

The Vampyre and Ernestus Berchtold; Or The Modern Oedipus
Reading an Erased Code
Romantic Religion and Literary Aesthetics in France

Ben Jonson and the Art of Secrecy

The Achievement of Josef Skvorecky

Ben Jonson and the Art of Secrecy

Collaboration in the Feminine
Writings on Women and Culture from Tessera