Browse Books in Literary Criticism
Forgetful Muses
Reading the Author in the Text
Wonderful to Relate
Miracle Stories and Miracle Collecting in High Medieval England
From Room to Room
The Poetry of Eli Mandel
Alain Robbe-Grillet
Balises pour le XXIe siècle
Along the Rim
The Best of Pacfic Rim Review of Books Volume Two
God's Plenty
Study of Hugh Hood's Fiction, A
Présent(s) de Noël en littérature jeunesse contemporaine
Playing the Inside Out / Le jeu des apparences
The Age of Confession/L'Âge de la confession
Performing Women
Theatre, Politics, and Dissent in North India
Horizontal Surfaces
Sacred and Profane in Chaucer and Late Medieval Literature
Essays in Honour of John V. Fleming
Lectures and Interviews
Literature and the Press
Tennyson’s Camelot
The Idylls of the King and its Medieval Sources
Beowulf and the Celtic Tradition
Franz Kafka (1883-1983)
His Craft and Thought
Franz Werfel: The Faith of an Exile
From Prague to Beverly Hills
Racial Attitudes in English-Canadian Fiction, 1905-1980
Dostoyevsky’s Critique of the West
The Quest for the Earthly Paradise
Women, Reading, Kroetsch
Telling the Difference
Tennyson’s Camelot
The Idylls of the King and its Medieval Sources