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Browse Books in Literary Criticism

Against Reproduction

Where Renaissance Poems Come From

by (author) Stephen Guy-Bray

Ponteach, or the Savages of America

A Tragedy

by (author) Tiffany Potter

Romantic Narrative

Shelley, Hays, Godwin, Wollstonecraft

by (author) Tilottama Rajan

Northrop Frye's Writings on Shakespeare and the Renaissance

by (author) Northrop Frye
edited by Troni Y. Grande & Garry Sherbert

Forgetful Muses

Reading the Author in the Text

by (author) Ian Lancashire

Wonderful to Relate

Miracle Stories and Miracle Collecting in High Medieval England

by (author) Rachel Koopmans
series edited by Ruth Mazo Karras

From Room to Room

The Poetry of Eli Mandel

by (author) Eli Mandel
edited by Peter Webb
afterword by Andrew Stubbs

Alain Robbe-Grillet

Balises pour le XXIe siècle

edited by Roger-Michel Allemand & Christian Milat

Along the Rim

The Best of Pacfic Rim Review of Books Volume Two

edited by Trevor Carolan & Richard Olafson

God's Plenty

Study of Hugh Hood's Fiction, A

by (author) W.J. Keith

Présent(s) de Noël en littérature jeunesse contemporaine

by (author) Robert Hurley & Danielle Henky
preface by Jean Perrot

Playing the Inside Out / Le jeu des apparences

by (author) David Adams Richards

The Age of Confession/L'Âge de la confession

by (author) Neil Bissoondath

Performing Women

Theatre, Politics, and Dissent in North India

by (author) Nandi Bhatia

Horizontal Surfaces

by (author) George Bowering

Sacred and Profane in Chaucer and Late Medieval Literature

Essays in Honour of John V. Fleming

by (author) Robert Epstein & Will Robins


Lectures and Interviews

by (author) Charles Olson
edited by Ralph Maud

Literature and the Press

by (author) Louis Dudek

Tennyson’s Camelot

The Idylls of the King and its Medieval Sources

by (author) David Staines

Franz Kafka (1883-1983)

His Craft and Thought

edited by Roman Struc & John Yardley

Racial Attitudes in English-Canadian Fiction, 1905-1980

by (author) Terrence Craig

Women, Reading, Kroetsch

Telling the Difference

by (author) Susan Rudy

Beowulf and the Celtic Tradition

by (author) Martin Puhvel

Violence in Argentine Literature and Film (1989-2005)

edited by Carolina Rocha & Elizabeth Montes Garcés

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