Browse Books in Law

Justice in Conflict
The Effects of the International Criminal Court's Interventions on Ending Wars and Building Peace

Public Lands and Resources Law in Canada

Obstruction of Justice
The Search for Truth on Canada's Highway of Tears

Lawyers’ Empire
Legal Professions and Cultural Authority, 1780-1950

Public Interest, Private Property
Law and Planning Policy in Canada

Tom Hughes Qc
A Cab on the Rank

Fighting at the Legal Boundaries
Controlling the Use of Force in Contemporary Conflict

Digital Copyright Law

Parole in Canada
Gender and Diversity in the Federal System

Freedom and Indigenous Constitutionalism

Expanding the Gaze
Gender and the Politics of Surveillance

Trade Usages and Implied Terms in the Age of Arbitration

The Legacy of Ronald Dworkin

Sharing the Costs and Benefits of Energy and Resource Activity
Legal Change and Impact on Communities

The Oxford Handbook of the Indian Constitution

The Handbook of Canadian Higher Education Law

Freedom and Indigenous Constitutionalism

The Judicial Role in a Diverse Federation
Lessons from the Supreme Court of Canada

Courts, Litigants, and the Digital Age 2/e
Law, Ethics, and Practice

Canadian Maritime Law 2/e

The Oxford Handbook of International Climate Change Law

The Idea of a Moral Economy
Gerard of Siena on Usury, Restitution, and Prescription

A Woman Judge's Season of Disillusion

The Right to Die
The courageous Canadians who gave us the right to a dignified death