Browse Books in Law

Cases and Materials on Contracts

Changing Legal Objectives

Current Law and Social Problems, Volume III

Entryways to Criminal Justice
Accusation and Criminalization in Canada

Resisting Rights
Canada and the International Bill of Rights, 1947–76

Genre, patrimoine et droit civil
Les femmes mariées de la bourgeoisie québécoise en procès, 1900-1930
Environmental Law, Fifth Edition

Environmental Law 5/e

Estate Planning Through Family Meetings
Without Breaking Up the Family

Putting Your Affairs in Order
A leave-behind guide for your loved ones

Canadian Justice, Indigenous Injustice
The Gerald Stanley and Colten Boushie Case

Blamed and Broken
The Mounties and the Death of Robert Dziekanski

Truth and Conviction
Donald Marshall Jr. and the Mi’kmaw Quest for Justice

Bad Blood
The Unspeakable Truth
International Law
Chiefly as Interpreted and Applied in Canada

Monopolies and Patents
A Study of the History and Future of the Patent Monopoly

Detention Before Trial
A Study of Criminal Cases Tried in the Toronto Magistrates' Courts

Essays on Private Law
Foreign Law and Foreign Judgments

The Judicial Committee and the British North America Act
An Analysis of the Interpretative Scheme for the Distribution of Legislative Powers

Natural Resources and Public Property Under the Canadian Constitution

A History of Law in Canada, Volume One
Beginnings to 1866

Surrogacy in Canada
Critical Perspectives in Law and Policy

Law and the "Sharing Economy"
Regulating Online Market Platforms