Browse Books in Renaissance

My Muse Will Have a Story to Paint
Selected Prose of Ludovico Ariosto
Holy Terror
Galileo, the Inquisition, and the Modern World

The Book of Michael of Rhodes, Volume 3 - Studies
A Fifteenth-Century Maritime Manuscript

Eradicating the Devil's Minions
Anabaptists and Witches in Reformation Europe, 1535-1600

The Art of Executing Well
Rituals of Execution in Renaissance Italy

Critical Edition of Robert Barnes's A Supplication Vnto the Most Gracyous Prince Kynge Henry The. VIIJ. 1534

Guardians of Republicanism
The Valori Family in the Florentine Renaissance

Paraphrase on the Gospel of Matthew
Volume 45

Patronage and Humanist Literature in the Age of the Jagiellons
Court and Career in the Writings of Rudolf Agricola Junior, Valentin Eck, and Leonard Cox

Eradicating the Devil's Minions
Anabaptists and Witches in Reformation Europe, 1535-1600

Trickster Travels
A Sixteenth-Century Muslim Between Worlds

Adages IV iii 1 to V ii 51
Collected Works of Erasmus

The Renaissance in Historical Thought

Collected Works of Erasmus
Controversies, Volume 72

Peter Martyr Vermigli
and Italian Reform
Controversies with Alberto Pio
Collected Works of Erasmus

Collected Works of Erasmus
Adages: III iv 1 to IV ii 100, Volume 35

An Italian Renaissance Sextet
Six Tales in Historical Context

Women, Property, and the Letters of the Law in Early Modern England

'Full of all knowledg'
George Herbert's Country Parson and Early Modern Social Discourse

Paraphrase on Luke
Volume 48

The Correspondence of Erasmus
Letters 1658-1801, Volume 12

Anti-Italianism in Sixteenth-Century France
Soldiers of Christ
Preaching in Late Medieval and Reformation France