Browse Books in World War I

The Siege of Kut-al-Amara
At War in Mesopotamia, 1915-1916

Courage at Sea
Newfoundland Sailors in the Great War

Padres in No Man's Land
Canadian Chaplains and the Great War, Second Edition

Canadians at War, Vol. 1
A Guide to the Battlefields and Memorials of World War I

Canadians at War
A Guide to the Battlefields of World War I

Surviving Trench Warfare
Technology and the Canadian Corps, 1914-1918, Second Edition

Padres in No Man's Land, Second Edition
Canadian Chaplains and the Great War

The War That Ended Peace
The Road To 1914

Letters Home
Maritimers and the Great War, 1914-1918

Noble Illusions
Young Canada Goes to War

The Torch We Throw: The Dundurn WWI Historical Library
Amiens/Second to None/The Making of Billy Bishop/Hell in Flanders Fields/It Made you Think of Home

Cape Bretoners in the First World War
In Their Own Words

Catching the Torch
Contemporary Canadian Literary Responses to World War I

Germany’s Western Front: 1914
Translations from the German Official History of the Great War, Part 1

Brave Battalion
The Remarkable Saga of the 16th Battalion (Canadian Scottish) in the First World War

Old Enough to Fight
Canada's Boy Soldiers in the First World War

Raymond Collishaw and the Black Flight

Soldiers of Song
The Dumbells and Other Canadian Concert Parties of the First World War

In The Field

Back to the Front
An Accidental Historian Walks the Trenches of World War I

Tapestry Of War

Liberty Is Dead
A Canadian in Germany, 1938

Rites of Spring
The Great War and the Birth of the Modern Age