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Veiled Threat
The Hidden Power Of The Women Of Afghanistan

The Curtain
Witness and Memory in Wartime Holland

Arab Falconry LTD Patron
History of A Way of Life
Arab Falconry LTD ED
History of A Way of Life

Arab Falconry
History of A Way of Life

Al-Ghazali and the Ismailis
A Debate on Reason and Authority in Medieval Islam
The Advent of the Fatimids
A Contemporary Shi’i Witness

Merchants, Mamluks, and Murder
The Political Economy of Trade in Eighteenth-Century Basra
The Well-Protected Domains
Ideology and the Legitimation of Power in the Ottoman Empire, 1876-1909

Opération Friction 1990-1991
Golfe Persique: Le rôle joué par les Forces canadiennes

No Balm in Gilead
A Personal Retrospective of Mandate Days in Palestine

The Palestinian Uprising Against Israeli Occupation

Advice on the Art of Governance (Mau'i?ah-i Jah?ng?r?) of Mu?ammad B?qir Najm-i “n?
An Indo-Islamic Mirror for Princes

Introduction to Mamluk Historiography
An Analysis of Arabic Annalistic and Biographical Sources for the Reign of al-Malik an-Nāṣir Muḥammad ibn Qalāʹūn
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