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Saharan Frontiers

Space and Mobility in Northwest Africa

edited by James McDougall & Judith Scheele
contributions by Peregrine Horden, E. Ann McDougall, Katia Schörle, Charles Grémont, Olivier Leservoisier, Armelle Chopin, Laurence Marfaing, Dida Badi, Mohamed Oudada, Julien Brachet & Fatma Oussedik

No Easy Task

Fighting in Afghanistan

edited by Bernd Horn & Emily Spencer

A Companion to Muslim Cultures

edited by Amyn B. Sajoo

Decade of Fear

Reporting from Terrorism's Grey Zone

by (author) Michelle Shephard

A Soaring Minaret

Abu Bakr al-Wasiti and the Rise of Baghdadi Sufism

by (author) Laury Silvers

Iran at War


by (author) Kaveh Farrokh

Our Way to Fight

Israeli and Palestinian Activists for Peace

by (author) Michael Riordon

On the High Road

The History of Godin Tepe, Iran

by (author) Hilary Gopnik & Mitchell S. Rothman

Canada and the Middle East

In Theory and Practice

edited by Paul Heinbecker & Bessma Momani

From Desolation to Reconstruction

Iraq’s Troubled Journey

edited by Mokhtar Lamani & Bessma Momani

The Damned

The Canadians at the Battle of Hong Kong and the POW Experience, 1941-45

by (author) Nathan M. Greenfield

Negotiating Arab-Israeli Peace, Second Edition

Patterns, Problems, Possibilities

by (author) Laura Zittrain Eisenberg & Neil Caplan

Flight of the Patriot

Escape from Revolutionary Iran

by (author) Yadollah Sharifirad

The Israel-Palestine Conflict

Contested Histories

by (author) Neil Caplan

Spirit of the Nikkei Fleet

BC's Japanese Canadian Fishermen

by (author) Masako Fukawa, Stanley Fukawa & Nikkei Fishermen's History Book Committee

Spiritual Dimensions of Bediuzzaman Said Nursi's Risale-I Nur

introduction by Ibrahim M. Abu-Rabi'

Three Kings in Baghdad

The Tragedy of Iraq's Monarchy

by (author) Gerald de Gaury

Ottoman Propaganda and Turkish Identity

Literature in Turkey During World War I

by (author) Erol Köroglu

Wetlands of Mass Destruction

Ancient Presage for Contemporary Ecocide in Southern Iraq

edited by Robert Lawrence France
foreword by Edward L. Ochsenschlager

A Bed of Red Flowers

In Search of My Afghanistan

by (author) Nelofer Pazira

Fin de Siècle Beirut

The Making of an Ottoman Provincial Capital

by (author) Jens Hanssen

Sassanian Elite Cavalry AD 224-642

by (author) Kaveh Farrokh
illustrated by Angus McBride

The Iraq War

by (author) John Keegan

Islam, Charity, and Activism

Middle-Class Networks and Social Welfare in Egypt, Jordan, and Yemen

by (author) Janine A. Clark

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