Browse Books in General
Close But No Cigar
Runner-ups, Nearly-Weres and Also-Rans
Toronto Trailblazers
Women in Canadian Publishing
The Metaphysical Society (1869-1880)
Intellectual Life in Mid-Victorian England
Panzer Gunner
From my Native Canada to the German Ostfront and Back. In Action with 25th Panzer Regiment, 7th Panzer Division 1944-45
British colony, imperial capital
The True Story of the Great Escape
Stalag Luft III, March 1944
British Army Training in Canada
Flying Above the Prairie
History in the Age of Abundance?
How the Web Is Transforming Historical Research
The Killdevil Lodge Experience in Gros Morne National Park
A Violent History of Benevolence
Interlocking Oppression in the Moral Economies of Social Working
A History
Rocking P Ranch and the Second Cattle Frontier in Western Canada
Virginia Woolf and the World of Books
British Colonial Theories 1570-1850
The Valley of the Trent
Man and His World/Terres des hommes
The Noranda Lectures, Expo 67/Les Conferences Noranda/L'Expo 67
The Clear Spirit
Twenty Canadian Women and Their Times
The Baptists in Upper and Lower Canada before 1820
Federal Royal Commissions in Canada 1867-1966
A Checklist
The Art of the Possible
Government and Foreign Policy in Canada
Pioneer Public Service
An Administrative History of the United Canadas, 1841-1867