Browse Books in General
From Wooden Ploughs To Welfare
Why Indian Policy Failed in the Prairie Provinces
The French Army in the American War of Independence
Adrift on an Ice Pan
Grenfell Obsession
Great Fire of 1892
The Anniversary Compulsion
Canada's Centennial Celebrations: A Model Mega-Anniversary
Power at Cost
Ontario Hydro and Rural Electrification, 1911-1958
A History of the Original Peoples of Northern Canada
Crime and Punishment in Canada
A History
Failure of l'Action Libérale Nationale
Role of Transportation in the Industrial Revolution
A Comparison of England and France
Choosing Canada's Capital
Conflict Resolution In a Parliamentary System
Church of Notre Dame in Montreal
An Architectural History
Modern Western Civilization
Physics and the Rise of Scientific Research in Canada
Royal Observations
Canadians and Royalty
Small Differences
Irish Catholics and Irish Protestants, 1815-1922: An International Perspective
Literary History of Canada
Canadian Literature in English, Volume IV (Second Edition)
Old Babylonian Period (2003-1595 B.C.)
The Royal Inscriptions of Mesopotamia Early Periods Volume IV
Maritime Capital
The Shipping Industry in Atlantic Canada, 1820-1914
Lost Harvests
Prairie Indian Reserve Farmers and Government Policy
Montreal in Evolution
Historical Analysis of the Development of Montreal's Architecture and Urban Environment
Russian Entrepreneur
Publisher Ivan Sytin of Moscow, 1851-1934