Browse Books in General

Sport under Communism
The USSR, Czechoslovakia, The GDR, China, Cuba

The Canadian Economy and Disarmament

Index for the Urban History Review 1972-1977 / Index pour la revue d’histoire urbaine 1972-1977

Approaches to native history in Canada
Papers of a conference held at the National Museum of Man, October 1975

What Does Quebec Want?

A Practical Guide to Canadian Political Economy
Fort Timiskaming and the Fur Trade

The River Barons
Montreal businessmen and the growth of industry and transportation 1837-53

Without Our Past?
A Handbook for the Preservation of Canada's Architectural Heritage

The Canoe and White Water
From Essential to Sport

The Aquatic Explorers
A History of the Fisheries Research Board of Canada

Timothy Warren Anglin, 1822-96
Irish Catholic Canadian
Symbols of Sovereignty
G. Howard Ferguson
Ontario Tory

The Indians of Canada

The Aquatic Explorers
A History of the Fisheries Research Board of Canada

The Indians of Canada

The River Barons
Montreal businessmen and the growth of industry and transportation 1837-53

Timothy Warren Anglin, 1822-96
Irish Catholic Canadian

The Canoe and White Water
From Essential to Sport

The Invisible French
The French in Metropolitan Toronto

Vertical Ascent

A Critical Spirit
The Thought of William Dawson LeSueur

A History of Trucking in BC since 1900