Browse Books in General
Canadian Historical Review Index 1950-70
Working Man in the Nineteenth Century

The Early History of Elora and Vicinity

East Kootenay Chronicle

What Glorious Times They Had
Nellie McClung: A Satire

Mackenzie Pipeline

Beyond the Atlantic Roar
A Study of the Nova Scotia Scots

The Crisis of Quebec, 1914-1918
Women at Work 1850-1930

Ho for the Klondike
A Whimsical Look at the Years 1897-1898

BC Recalled
A Picture History 1741-1871

All Aboard
Stories from Nova Scotia

For Friends at Home
A Scottish Emigrant's Letters from Canada, California, and the Caribou, 1844-1864

Canadian Centre for Folk Culture Studies annual review 1973

Statistical Account of Upper Canada

Some sources for women's history in the Public Archives of Canada

Freedom and Order
Collected Essays

History Division: annual review, 1973

Canada Investigates Industrialism
The Royal Commission on the Relations of Labor and Capital, 1889 (Abridged)

Rural Life in Canada
The Church and the Farm Problem, 1913

The Dynamics of Right-Wing Protest
A Political Analysis of Social Credit in Quebec

Thoreau MacDonald
A Catalogue of Design and Illustration

Quebec versus Ottawa
The Struggle for Self-Government, 1960-72