Browse Books in General

John Turner
An Intimate Biography of Canada's 17th Prime Minister

Above the Fold
A Personal History of the Toronto Star

The Acadian Saga
A People's Story of Exile and Triumph, New & Expanded Edition

Being Neighbours
Cooperative Work and Rural Culture, 1830–1960

Being Neighbours
Cooperative Work and Rural Culture, 1830-1960

The Halifax Public Gardens
The creation, destruction and restoration of North America’s finest Victorian public gardens

The Vanishing Past
Making the Case for the Future of History

The Great Saint John Fire of 1877
The rise, destruction and recovery of Canada’s leading port city

An Unrecognized Contribution
Women and Their Work in 19th-Century Toronto

Trains of Newfoundland

Jesuit Accounts of the Colonial Americas
Intercultural Transfers Intellectual Disputes, and Textualities

Canada's Place Names and How to Change Them
Fire Into Ice (ebook)
Charles Fipke & the Great Diamond Hunt

Disciples of Antigonish
Catholics in Nova Scotia, 1880–1960

Disciples of Antigonish
Catholics in Nova Scotia, 1880-1960

Dominion over Palm and Pine
A History of Canadian Aspirations in the British Caribbean

La famille Fermanian
L’histoire du cinéma Pine de Sainte-Adèle

Ron Thom, Architect
The Life of a Creative Modernist

Vancouver Ltd.

Derriere l'histoire du chandail orange
Un recueil de temoignages livres par les proches de Phyllis Webstad racontant leur vie avant, pendant et apres leurs experiences dans les pensionnats autochtones.

Valley of the Birdtail
An Indian Reserve, a White Town, and the Road to Reconciliation

Protestant Liberty
Religion and the Making of Canadian Liberalism, 1828–1878

Protestant Liberty
Religion and the Making of Canadian Liberalism, 1828-1878

Heirs of an Ambivalent Empire
French-Indigenous Relations and the Rise of the Métis in the Hudson Bay Watershed