Browse Books in History

Walking the Union Walk
Stories From the Communications, Energy, and Paperworkers Union

The Rule of the Admirals
Law, Custom, and Naval Government in Newfoundland, 1699-1832
The Home Children

Night Voices
Heard in the Shadow of Hitler and Stalin

The Oriental Question
Consolidating a White Man's Province, 1914-41

Booze: A Distilled History

American Empire and the Fourth World
The Bowl With One Spoon, Part One

The American Empire and the Fourth World
The Bowl With One Spoon, Part One

Between the Wars
The Canadian Jewish Community in Transition

Paraphrase on Luke
Volume 48

A Jewel in the Wilderness

The History of a Canadian Pioneer Farm
Justin and Pompeius Trogus
A Study of the Language of Justin's "Epitome" of Trogus

Bedside Matters
The Transformation of Canadian Nursing, 1900-1990

The Conventional Man
The Diaries of Ontario Chief Justice Robert A. Harrison, 1856-1878

A Richard Rohmer Omnibus

The Liri Valley
Canada's World War II Breakthrough to Rome

Juno Beach a Window On Canada in World War II
A Window on Canada in World War II

Heritage Houses of Nova Scotia

Halifax's Northwest Arm
An Illustrated History

Greater Game
India's Race with Destiny and China

Eighteenth-Century Naturalists of Hudson Bay

Indian Critiques of Gandhi