Browse Books in History

The Way We Were

Mad, Bad And Sad
A History of Women and the Mind Doctors from 1800 to the present

Captured Hearts
New Brunswick's War Brides

Disciplining the Holocaust

Legacy in Wood
The Wahl Family Boat Builders

Collision at Dawn
and Other Thrilling Stories of the Sea

Undiplomatic Diaries

Baptism Of Fire

Noah's Last Canoe
The Lost Art of Cree Birch Bark Canoe Building

Immodest and Sensational
150 Years of Canadian Women in Sports

Joseph Brant and His World
18th Century Mohawk Warrior and Statesman

Halifax at War
Searchlights, Squadrons and Submarines 1939-1945

Edmund Burke
Volume I, 1730-1784

Victoria Underfoot
Excavating a City's Secrets

Contact Charlie
The Canadian Army, The Taliban and the Battle that Saved Afghanistan

Emperor of the North

The Dominion of Youth
Adolescence and the Making of Modern Canada, 1920 to 1950

The Dominion of Youth
Adolescence and the Making of Modern Canada, 1920 to 1950

The Frozen Thames

A Flag for Canada
The Illustrated Biography of the Maple Leaf Flag

Imperial Germany 1871-1918

Arctic Front
Defending Canada in the Far North

Reimagining Politics after the Terror
The Republican Origins of French Liberalism

German Diasporic Experiences
Identity, Migration, and Loss