Browse Books in History

Loyalists and Layabouts
The Rapid Rise and Faster Fall of Shelburne, Nova Scotia, 1783-1792
Students For A Democratic Society

Jimmy Simpson
Legend of the Rockies

Leaning on the Wind
Under the Spell of the Great Chinook

On Crimes and Punishments and Other Writings

Gold Fever
Incredible Tales of the Klondike Gold Rush

The Mounties
Tales of Adventure and Danger from the Early Days
Communication History in Canada

The Canadian Rockies
New & Old Trails

Place and Practice in Canadian Nursing History

Becoming British Columbia
A Population History

Eradicating the Devil's Minions
Anabaptists and Witches in Reformation Europe, 1535-1600

Native Peoples and Water Rights
Irrigation, Dams, and the Law in Western Canada

Inventing Canada
Early Victorian Science and the Idea of a Transcontinental Nation

When the French Tried to be British
Party, Opposition, and the Quest for Civil Disagreement, 1814-1848

Home Is the Hunter
The James Bay Cree and Their Land

Liberalism, Surveillance, and Resistance
Indigenous communities in Western Canada, 1877-1927

Quest of the Folk, CLS Edition
Antimodernism and Cultural Selection in Twentieth-Century Nova Scotia

In Mixed Company
Taverns and Public Life in Upper Canada
The Quest of the Folk, CLS Edition
Antimodernism and Cultural Selection in Twentieth-Century Nova Scotia

Rescuing a Fragile State
Sierra Leone 2002-2008
Hard Surface
In Search of the Canadian Road

Empty Casing
A Soldier's Memoir of Sarajevo Under Siege

Tools of the Trade
Methods, Techniques and Innovative Approaches in Archaeology