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Browse Books in History

Champagne and Meatballs

Adventures of a Canadian Communist

by (author) Bert Whyte
introduction by Larry Hannant

Country Roads of British Columbia

Exploring the Interior

by (author) Liz Bryan

Ghost Town Stories of the Red Coat Trail

From Renegade to Ruin on the Canadian Prairies

by (author) Johnnie Bachusky

A Century of Grant MacEwan

Selected Writings

by (author) Grant MacEwan
edited by Lee Shedden

Mountie Makers

Putting the Canadian in RCMP

by (author) Robert Gordon Teather

Share and Care

by (author) Charles Saunders

Killing Neighbors

Webs of Violence in Rwanda

by (author) Lee Ann Fujii

Thinkers and Dreamers

Historical Essays in Honour of Carl Berger

edited by Gerald Friesen & Doug Owram

Quebec Hydropolitics

The Peribonka Concessions of the Second World War

by (author) David Massell

Latin American Cinemas

Local Views and Transnational Connections

edited by Nayibe Bermudez-Barrios
contributions by Luna de Avellaneda, Paola Arboleda Rios, Elizabeth Montes Garces, Myriam Osorio, David W. Foster, Gerard Dapena, Charlotte H. Gleghorn, Isabel Arredondo, Keith John Richards, Elissa J. Rashkin, Nayibe Bermudez Barrios & Juana Suarez

Unsettling the Settler Within

Indian Residential Schools, Truth Telling, and Reconciliation in Canada

by (author) Paulette Regan
foreword by Taiaiake Alfred

Jean Monnet and Canada

Early Travels and the Idea of European Unity

by (author) Trygve Ugland

The Opera of Bartolomeo Scappi (1570)

L'arte et prudenza d'un maestro cuoco (The Art and Craft of a Master Cook)

by (author) Terence Scully

Prejudice and Pride

Canadian Intellectuals Confront the United States, 1891-1945

by (author) Damien-Claude Bélanger

Our Man In Tehran

by (author) Robert Wright

Stanley Barracks

Toronto's Military Legacy

by (author) Aldona Sendzikas

The Forts of Colonial North America

British, Dutch and Swedish colonies

by (author) Rene Chartrand
illustrated by Donato Spedaliere

Contesting White Supremacy

School Segregation, Anti-Racism, and the Making of Chinese Canadians

by (author) Timothy J. Stanley

The Canadian Horse

The Fascinating Story of Canada's National Breed

by (author) Art Montague

Secrets of Lake Simcoe

Fascinating stories from Ontario's past

by (author) Andrew Hind & Maria da Silva

A History of Canadian Culture

by (author) Jonathan F. Vance

Consecrated Ground 2nd Edition

Revised Second Edition

by (author) George Boyd

Du littoral à la mer

Histoire officielle de la Marine royale du Canada, 1867–1939, Volume I

by (author) William Johnston, William G.P. Rawling, Richard H. Gimblett & John MacFarlane

The Seabound Coast

The Official History of the Royal Canadian Navy, 1867–1939, Volume I

by (author) William Johnston, William G.P. Rawling, Richard H. Gimblett & John MacFarlane

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