Browse Books in History

Resolutions and Decisions of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union Volume 1
The Russian Social Democratic Labour Party 1899-October 1917

Priests and Politicians
Manitoba Schools and the Election of 1896

The Roman Catholic Church and the North-West School Question
A Study in Church-State Relations in Western Canada 1875-1905

Sovereign equality among states
The history of an idea

The Queen v Louis Riel

The Vigil of Quebec
Cdn Hist Review Index 1950-70
Canadian Historical Review Index 1950-70
Working Man in the Nineteenth Century

The Early History of Elora and Vicinity

East Kootenay Chronicle

The Woman Suffrage Movement in Canada
Second Edition

What Glorious Times They Had
Nellie McClung: A Satire

Mackenzie Pipeline

Beyond the Atlantic Roar
A Study of the Nova Scotia Scots

Capital Formation in Canada, 1896-1930

The Crisis of Quebec, 1914-1918
Women at Work 1850-1930

The Roman Principate
27 B.C. - 285 A.D.

Ho for the Klondike
A Whimsical Look at the Years 1897-1898

BC Recalled
A Picture History 1741-1871

All Aboard
Stories from Nova Scotia