Browse Books in History

Polish Revolutionary Populism
A Study in Agrarian Socialist Thought From the 1830s to the 1850s

The History and Literature of the Palestinian Jews from Cyrus to Herod 550 BC to 4 BC

The River Barons
Montreal businessmen and the growth of industry and transportation 1837-53

Timothy Warren Anglin, 1822-96
Irish Catholic Canadian

The Canoe and White Water
From Essential to Sport

The Correspondence of Erasmus
Letters 446 to 593, Volume 4
Canadian Foreign Policy and the Law of the Sea

Totem Poles of the Northwest

The Invisible French
The French in Metropolitan Toronto
No Streets Of Gold

Pakistan: The Formative Phase 1857-1948

Vertical Ascent

A Critical Spirit
The Thought of William Dawson LeSueur

A History of Trucking in BC since 1900

The Liberal Idea of Canada
Pierre Trudeau and the Question of Canada's Survival
The Assassination of Pierre Laporte

BC Our Land

Eskimo Cookbook
Mabou Pioneers Volume 2
Booze and a Buck

Living with Swans in the Wilderness

Eskimo Life of Yesterday

Without Our Past?
A Handbook for the Preservation of Canada's Architectural Heritage

Mercenaries for the Crimea
The German, Swiss, and Italian Legions in British Service, 1854-1856