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Browse Books in History

Charles Baillairgé

Architect and Engineer

by (author) Christina Cameron

Documents of Canadian Broadcasting

by (author) R. Bird

Language, Schooling, and Cultural Conflict

The Origins of the French-Language Controversy in Ontario

by (author) Chad Gaffield

The Correspondence of Erasmus

Letters 1122 to 1251, Volume 8

by (author) Desiderius Erasmus
translated by R.A.B. Mynors
notes by P.G. Bietenholz

Austria in World War II

An Anglo-American Dilemma

by (author) Robert H. Keyserlingk

Tyendinaga Tales

by (author) Rona Rustige

Joseph de Maistre

An Intellectual Militant

by (author) Richard A. Lebrun

The English Emblem Tradition

by (author) Peter Daly

Diplomacy of Fear

Canada and the Cold War 1941-1948

by (author) Denis Smith

The Royal Canadian Mounted Police 1873-1987

by (author) David Ross
illustrated by Richard Hook

Griffith Taylor

Antarctic Scientist and Pioneer Geographer

by (author) Marie Sanderson

Paine and Cobbett

The Transatlantic Connection

by (author) David A. Wilson

Road to Nunavut

The Progress of the Eastern Arctic Inuit since the Second World War

by (author) Quinn Duffy

Tom Paine and William Cobbett

The Transatlantic Connection

by (author) David A. Wilson

Crisis and War

by (author) Patrick James

No Ordinary Hotel

by (author) Adrian Waller

Cross of Gold

Money and the Canadian Business Cycle, 1867-1913

by (author) Georg Rich

Alexander Kennedy Isbister

A Respectable Critic of the Honourable Company

by (author) Barry Cooper

In a Strange Land

A pictoral record of the Chinese in Canada, 1788-1923

by (author) Richard Wright

They Call Me Father

Memoirs of Father Nicolas Coccola

edited by Margaret Whitehead

A Progression of Judges

A History of the Supreme Court of British Columbia

by (author) David R. Verchere

Selling Out

Four Years of the Mulroney Government

by (author) Robert Chodos, Rae Murphy & Eric Hamovitch

Written and Unwritten

A New History of the Buddhist Caves at Yungang

by (author) James O. Caswell

Navies, Deterrence, and American Independence

Britain and Sea Power in the 1760s and 1770s

by (author) Nicholas Tracy

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