Browse Books in History

The Gulf Within
Canadian Arabs, Racism and the Gulf War

Quebec Since 1930
The Six National Histories of Japan

Power Quest
The Journey into Manhood

Alex Lord's British Columbia
Recollections of a Rural School Inspector, 1915-1936

The Railway King of Canada
Sir William Mackenzie, 1849-1923

Wings Over the Sea
The Story of Allan Moses

Hudson Bay Watershed
A Photographic Memoir of the Ojibway, Cree, and Oji-Cree

Media, Elections, And Democracy: Royal Commission on Electoral Reform

A Bibliography of Northern Manitoba

To Serve Canada
A History of the Royal Military College of Canada

Man in the Ivory Tower
F. Cyril James of McGill

Tin-Pots and Pirate Ships
Canadian Naval Forces and German Sea Raiders 1880-1918

Québec 1765-1832
L'évolution d'une ville coloniale

Lac La Biche and the Early Fur Traders

Quotations For A Nation
The Little Book of Canada

Raincoast Chronicles 13

Denison's Ice Road


Debating Canada's Future
Views from the Left

The Changing Soviet Union
Implications for Canada and the World

Justice in Our Time
The Japanese Canadian Redress Settlement

Small Differences
Irish Catholics and Irish Protestants, 1815-1922: An International Perspective

Policing a Pioneer Province
The BC Provincial Police 1858-1950