Browse Books in Native American Languages

Nakón-wico’i’e né uspénic’iciyac / Practising Nakoda
A Thematic Dictionary

Nakón-wico'i'e né uspénic'iciyac / Practising Nakoda
A Thematic Dictionary

A Dictionary of Kanien'kéha (Mohawk) with Connections to the Past

Stories & Language in Stoney Nakoda Country

Health Glossary for Nunavut Educators

From Magic Words to Automated Translation
A History of the Inuit Language

Isúh Áníi/As Grandmother Said
Dátl'ìshí Ts'ìká áa Guunijà / The Narratives of Bessie Meguinis

nēhiyawēwin awāsi-masinahikanis—A Little Plains Cree Book for Children (teaching guide)
Teaching Guide

kôhkominawak otâcimowiniwâwa / Our Grandmothers' Lives As Told in Their Own Words

Utkuhiksalingmiut Uqauhiitigut
Dictionary of Utkuhiksalingmiut Inuktitut Postbase Suffixes

Kangiryuarmiut Inuinnaqtun
Uqauhiitaa Numiktitirutait Dictionary

Inuit Languages and Dialects
Inuit Uqausiqatigiit

awāsi-nēhiyawēwin masinahikanis ayisīyiniwak—A Little Plains Cree Colouring Book
Plains Cree People

A Grammar of Upper Tanana, Volume 2
Semantics, Syntax, Discourse

kâ-pî-isi-kiskisiyân / The Way I Remember

nēhiyawēwin awāsi-masinahikanis—A Little Plains Cree Book for Children
A Reference for Teaching the Plains Cree Language

nēhiyawētān kīkināhk / Speaking Cree in the Home
A Beginner's Guide for Families

nehiyawetan kikinahk / Speaking Cree in the Home
A Beginner's Guide for Families

Serpents and Other Spiritual Beings

nēhiyawēwin: paskwāwi-pīkiskwēwin / Cree Language of the Plains Language Lab Workbook

Ndè Sı̀ı̀ Wet’aɂà
Northern Indigenous Voices on Land, Life, & Art

Stories of the Blackfoot People

âhkami-nêhiyawêtân / Let's Keep Speaking Cree
Let's Keep Speaking Cree

kayās nōhcīn
I Come from a Long Time Back