Browse Books in Fiction
Selected Stories of Douglas O. Spettigue
The Lady and the Travelling Salesman
Stories by Leo Simpson
Fifteen Miles of Broken Glass
Theme for Diverse Instruments
Folklore of Nova Scotia
Selected Stories of Isabella Valancy Crawford
Angéline de Montbrun
A Psychological Romance of Quebec
The Grandfathers
Dot It Down
A Story of Life in the North-West
Honor Edgeworth
In the Midst of Alarms
A Canadian Bankclerk
The Measure of the Rule
A Canadian Story From Real Life
Jean Baptiste
A Story of French Canada
Measure of the Rule
Cousin Cinderella
Antoinette de Mirecourt
or, Secret Marrying and Secret Sorrows
My Lady of the Snows
The Cryptogram
A Novel
A Romance of Toronto
The Homesteaders
An Algonquin Maiden
A Romance of the Early Days of Upper Canada