Browse Books in General

Conflicted Scars
An Average Player’s Journey to the NHL

Mother Load
Memoirs of Struggle and Strength

Your Place or Mine?
Practical Advice for Developing a Co-Parenting Arrangement After Separation

Where Did I Go?
Reflections on So-Called Late Mothering

Mothering on the Edge
A critical examination of mothering within child protection systems

Domesticating Technologies

Maternal Regret
Resistances, Renunciations, and Reflections

Mothers Who Kill

The Liminal Chrysalis
Imagining Reproduction and Parenting Futures Beyond the Binary

Abortion and Mothering
Research, Stories, and Artistic Expressions

Grandmothers and Grandmothering
Creative and Critical Contemplations in Honour of our Women Elders

Moving Meals and Migrating Mothers
Culinary cultures, diasporic dishes and familial foodways

Dad Up!
Long-Time Comedian. First-Time Father.

Global Perspectives on Motherhood, Mothering and Masculinities

From Band-Aids to Scalpels
Motherhood Experiences in/of Medicine

Food to Grow On
The Ultimate Guide to Childhood Nutrition--From Pregnancy to Packed Lunches

Falling together
a family’s story of mental illness and grief

Journey To the Wild Depths of Motherhood

Mothers, Mothering, and COVID-19
Dispatches from the Pandemic

Who’s Laughing Now?
Feminist Perspectives on Humour and Laughter

The Truth About (M)otherhood
Choosing to be Childfree

Pagan, Goddess, Mother

Impossible Parenting
Creating a New Culture of Mental Health for Parents

Discipline Your Kids with Positive Parenting
A Practical Guide to Building Cooperation and Connecting with Your Child