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Browse Books in Education

Grade 4 Digital Reproducible Masters, Problem Solving

by (author) Jennifer Lawson

Grade 2 Digital Reproducible Masters, Problem Solving

by (author) Jennifer Lawson

Medical Teaching in Ambulatory Care, Third Edition

by (author) Warren Rubenstein & Yves Talbot

Campus Confidential

100 startling things you don't know about Canadian universities (Second Edition)

by (author) Ken S. Coates & Bill Morrison

When Spelling Matters

Developing writers who can spell and understand language

by (author) Doreen Scott-Dunne

Attention Grabbing Tools

for involving parents in their children's learning

by (author) Jane Baskwill

“Don’t Be So Gay!”

Queers, Bullying, and Making Schools Safe

by (author) Donn Short

Measuring the Value of a Postsecondary Education

by (author) Ken Norrie & Mary Catharine Lennon

Indigenous Earth: Praxis and Transformation

edited by Ellen Simmons

Education and the Politics of Difference, Second Edition

Select Canadian Perspectives

by (author) Ratna Ghosh & Ali A. Abdi

Education in the Best Interests of the Child

A Children's Rights Perspective on Closing the Achievement Gap

by (author) R. Brian Howe & Katherine Covell

Arts and Science at Toronto

A History, 1827-1990

by (author) Craig Brown

Revitalizing the Classics

What Past Social Theorists Can Teach Us Today

by (author) Tony Simmons

Learning at the Ends of Life

Children, Elders, and Literacies in Intergenerational Curricula

by (author) Rachel Heydon

The Bully-Go-Round

Literacy and arts strategies for promoting bully awareness in the classroom

by (author) Larry Swartz

The Scholarship of Teaching and Learning In and Across the Disciplines

edited by Kathleen McKinney
foreword by Mary Taylor Huber
contributions by Cheryl M. Albers, Curtis D. Bennett, Jeffrey L. Bernstein, Angela Bauer-Dantoin, Nancy L. Chick, Tyler B. Christensen, Jacqueline M. Dewar, Arlene J. Díaz, Regan A.R. Gurung, Beth M. Schwartz, Liz Grauerholz, Melissa Gresalfi, Katherine D. Kearns, Eric Main, Antonio E. Mateiro, Joan Middendorf, David Pace, Caroline Hodges Persell, Gary Poole, Nancy Randall, David A. Reichard, Jennifer Meta Robinson, Lauren Scharff, Leah Shopkow, April K. Sievert, Kathy Takayama, Carmen Werder & Miriam E. Zolan

The Learning Pathway

Mathematics Instruction and Assessment for Grades K-6

preface by Julie Smerchanski

Passion Capital

The World's Most Valuable Asset

by (author) Paul Alofs

Reading Canada

Teaching Canadian Fiction in Secondary Schools

by (author) Wendy Donawa & Leah Fowler

The Anthology of Social Studies

Issues and Strategies for Elementary Teachers

edited by Roland Case & Penney Clark
contributions by Mary Abbott, Philip Balcaen, Wanda Cassidy, LeRoi Daniels, Linda Farr Darling, Christine Eide, Margaret Ferguson, Susan Gibson, Garfield Gini-Newman, Laura Gini-Newman, Michael Ling, Roberta McKay, Cathy Morgan, Tom Morton, John Myers, Paul Neufeld, Lynn Newbery, Özlem Sensoy, Neil Smith, Stefan Stipp, Amy von Heyking, Walter Werner & Andrew Young

Antventures (Into Math with Imagination)

illustrated by Yasmina Roberts

The Golden Hook

The Right to Believe and Have Faith

by (author) Dustin Milligan
illustrated by Jasmine Vicente

The Plight Beneath the Northern Light

The Right to Meet and Form Groups

by (author) Dustin Milligan
illustrated by Cory Tibbits

Anne of Green Tomatoes

The Right to be Safe and Secure

by (author) Dustin Milligan
illustrated by Jasmine Vicente

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