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Browse Books in Children's Fiction

Lizzy's Lion

by (author) Dennis Lee
illustrated by Marie-Louise Gay

Millicent and the Wind

by (author) Robert Munsch & Suzanne Duranceau

The Hockey Sweater

by (author) Roch Carrier
illustrated by Sheldon Cohen
translated by Sheila Fischman

Don't Cut My Hair


by (author) Sylvie Assathiany & Louise Pelletier
illustrated by Philippe Béha

Taking Care of Crumley

by (author) Ted Staunton
illustrated by Tina Holdcroft


by (author) Ontario Science Centre
illustrated by Linda Hendry

The Fridge

Little Big Books

by (author) Pierre Pratt

Peepee in the Potty

by (author) Sylvie Assathiany & Louise Pelletier

My House

by (author) Stefan Anastasiu


by (author) Philippe Béha

Ma Rue

by (author) Marie-Josée Côté

Chez Moi

by (author) Stefan Anastasiu

I Love My Babysitter


by (author) Sylvie Assathiany & Louise Pelletier
illustrated by Philippe Béha

My Street

Little Big Books

by (author) Marie-Josée Côté

The Train

by (author) Mireille Levert

Le Train

by (author) Mireille Levert

Teacher's Guidebook 5 : Adventure in Canada

by (author) Sylvia Hill

The Friendship Solution/My Father's Ghost

by (author) Aristides Yerou & Barry Dickson
illustrated by Barbara Di Lella

The Minerva Program

by (author) Claire Mackay

Harbour Thieves

by (author) Bill Freeman

Nobody Asked Me

by (author) Elizabeth Brochmann

A to Z of Absolute Zaniness

by (author) Carol Mills
illustrated by Susanne Ferrier

What Are Uncles For?

by (author) John Lane
illustrated by Jeremy Twigg & Silas White

Everett Anderson's Goodbye (Old)

illustrated by Ann Grifalconi
by (author) Clifton Lucille

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