Browse Books in General

Re-Imagining Capitalism
Building a Responsible Long-Term Model

Productivity and Prosperity
A Historical Sociology of Productivist Thought

The Oxford Handbook of Organizational Identity

A Mile of Make-Believe
A History of the Eaton's Santa Claus Parade

Redesigning Work
A Blueprint for Canada's Future Well-being and Prosperity

The American Retail Value Proposition
Crafting Unique Experiences at Compelling Prices

The Thoughtful Leader
A Model of Integrative Leadership

The EQ Edge
Emotional Intelligence and Your Success

The Emergence of Novelty in Organizations

The Thoughtful Leader
A Model of Integrative Leadership

Subsistence under Capitalism
Historical and Contemporary Perspectives

Back from the Brink
Lessons from the Canadian Asset-Backed Commercial Paper Crisis

Our Battle for the Human Spirit
Scientific Knowing, Technical Doing, and Daily Living

Organizational Routines
How They Are Created, Maintained, and Changed

How To Tell What People Are Thinking

Modeling the Renewable Energy Transition in Canada
Techno-economic Assessments for Energy Management

Strategic Reframing
The Oxford Scenario Planning Approach
Funding Policies and the Nonprofit Sector in Western Canada
Evolving Relationships in a Changing Environment

Catalytic Governance
Leading Change in the Information Age

The Performance Principle
A Practical Guide to Understanding Motivation in the Modern Workplace

Funding Policies and the Nonprofit Sector in Western Canada
Evolving Relationships in a Changing Environment

Excelling at Strategic Changes

The Oxford Handbook of Gender in Organizations

Sustainable Banking
Managing the Social and Environmental Impact of Financial Institutions