Browse Books in Medical
Jean I. Gunn
Nursing Leader
Eunice Dyke
Health Care Pioneer
Eunice Dyke
Health Care Pioneer
A Western Doctor's Odyssey
From Cariboo to Kos
Harold Nathan Segall
Cardiologist and Historian
Constructing Neurology
Dr. Alan Brown
Portrait of a Tyrant
David M. Baltzan
Prairie Doctor
Operating on the Frontier
William R. Beaumont
Mechanical Genius
R. M. Bucke
Journey to Cosmic Consciousness
The AIDS Odyssey of Dr Peter
A Nineteenth-Century Medical Life
William Henry Drummond
Poet in Patois
J.C. Boileau Grant
Anatomist Extraordinary
William Boyd
Silver Tongue and Golden Pen
A Biography
Tell the Driver
A Biography of Elinor F.E. Black, MD
The Iron Rose
The Extraordinary Life of Charlotte Ross, MD
Harold Griffith
The Evolution of Modern Anaesthesia
R.G. Ferguson
Crusader against Turberculosis
Clarence Hincks
Mental Health Crusader
Bill Mustard
Surgical Pioneer
Charles Bruce
A Literary Biography