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Browse Books in Historical

History's People

Personalities and the Past

by (author) Margaret MacMillan

Across the Rivers of Memory

by (author) Felicia Carmelly

Never Far Apart

by (author) Kitty Salsberg & Ellen Foster

A Name Unbroken

by (author) Michael Mason

Where Courage Lives

by (author) Muegette Myers

Hope's Reprise

by (author) David Newman

The Franz Boas Papers, Volume 1

Franz Boas as Public Intellectual—Theory, Ethnography, Activism

edited by Regna Darnell, Joshua Smith, Michelle Hamilton & Robert L.A. Hancock

A Canadian Girl in South Africa

Maud Graham’s Experiences as a Teacher in the South African War Concentration Camps

by (author) E. Maud Graham
edited by Michael Dawson, Catherine Gidney & Susanne M. Klausen

Face the North Wind

Print On Demand Edition

by (author) A.L. Karras
foreword by Jim Karras

A Canadian Girl in South Africa

A Teacher’s Experiences in the South African War, 1899–1902

by (author) E. Maud Graham
edited by Michael Dawson, Catherine Gidney & Susanne M. Klausen

Molly Brant

Mohawk Loyalist and Diplomat

by (author) Peggy Dymond Leavey

Down to Bowring's

A Memoir

by (author) Derrick Bowring
edited by Amy Bowring

Sam Steele

An Officer and a Gentleman

by (author) Norman Leach

Paddy Boy

by (author) Patrick O'Flaherty

Bora Laskin

Bringing Law to Life

by (author) Philip Girard

Faith Under Fire

Fredrick G. Scott, Canada's Extraordinary Chaplain of the Great War

by (author) Alan Hustak

Opium and Empire

The Lives and Careers of William Jardine and James Matheson

by (author) Richard J. Grace

The Letterbooks of John Evelyn

A Two Volume Set

by (author) Douglas D.C. Chambers & David Galbraith

The John A. Macdonald Retrospective 2-Book Bundle

Macdonald at 200 / John A. Macdonald

edited by Patrice Dutil & Roger Hall
by (author) Ged Martin

Macdonald at 200

New Reflections and Legacies

edited by Patrice Dutil & Roger Hall

The Dialectic of Truth and Fiction in Joshua Oppenheimer's The Act of Killing

by (author) Milo Sweedler
contributions by Colman Hogan & Marta Marín-Dòmine

The Gargoyle's Left Ear

Writing in Ottawa

by (author) Susan McMaster

A Halifax Boyhood

Growing up on the city's outskirts in the 1940s and 50s

by (author) Malcolm MacLeod
with William D. Naftel

Conrad Kain

Letters from a Wandering Mountain Guide, 1906-1933

by (author) Conrad Kain
edited by Zac Robinson
translated by Maria Koch & John Koch

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