Browse Books in Historical
Paddy Boy
Bora Laskin
Bringing Law to Life
Faith Under Fire
Fredrick G. Scott, Canada's Extraordinary Chaplain of the Great War
Opium and Empire
The Lives and Careers of William Jardine and James Matheson
The Letterbooks of John Evelyn
A Two Volume Set
The John A. Macdonald Retrospective 2-Book Bundle
Macdonald at 200 / John A. Macdonald
Macdonald at 200
New Reflections and Legacies
The Dialectic of Truth and Fiction in Joshua Oppenheimer's The Act of Killing
The Gargoyle's Left Ear
Writing in Ottawa
A Halifax Boyhood
Growing up on the city's outskirts in the 1940s and 50s
Conrad Kain
Letters from a Wandering Mountain Guide, 1906-1933
Lord Lyons
A Diplomat in an Age of Nationalism and War
Traces of What Was
W Hour
My Heart is At Ease
Suddenly the Shadow Fell
As the Lilacs Bloomed
Joy Runs Deeper
We Sang in Hushed Voices
The Hidden Package
The Travel Journals of Tappan Adney, Vol. 1, 1887-1890
The Travel Journals of Tappan Adney, Vol. 2, 1891-1896
Tecumseh and Brock
The War of 1812