Browse Books in Historical
Canada Day 2016 Preview
The Promise of Canada
In Fragile Moments / The Last Time
Inside the Walls
Grand Duke Nikolai Nikolaevich
Supreme Commander of the Russian Army
The Travel Journals of Tappan Adney, Vol. 1, 1887-1890
Vol. 1, 1887-1890
Getting Around the Rock
By Land, Sea, and Air
On the Frontier
Letters from the Canadian West in the 1880s
The Weight of Freedom
Stronger Together
Alone in the Storm
Rogues and Rebels
Unforgettable Characters from Canada's West
History's People
Personalities and the Past
Hope's Reprise
Across the Rivers of Memory
Never Far Apart
A Name Unbroken
Where Courage Lives
The Franz Boas Papers, Volume 1
Franz Boas as Public Intellectual—Theory, Ethnography, Activism
A Canadian Girl in South Africa
Maud Graham’s Experiences as a Teacher in the South African War Concentration Camps
Face the North Wind
Print On Demand Edition
A Canadian Girl in South Africa
A Teacher’s Experiences in the South African War, 1899–1902
Molly Brant
Mohawk Loyalist and Diplomat
Down to Bowring's
A Memoir
Sam Steele
An Officer and a Gentleman