Browse Books in Biography & Autobiography
The Little One Who Cares For Us

Note Book Bella Coola Pole

Note Book Canada Geese

The Life of Themistocles
A Critical Survey of the Literary and Archaeological Evidence
Douglas Duncan
A Memorial Portrait

Halfway up Parnassus
A Personal Account of the University of Toronto, 1932-1971

Bishop in Honan
Mission and Museum in the Life of William C. White

The Queen v Louis Riel

Halfway up Parnassus
A Personal Account of the University of Toronto, 1932-1971

Bishop in Honan
Mission and Museum in the Life of William C. White

The Queen v Louis Riel

The Early History of Elora and Vicinity

The Enterprising Admiral

The Life of the Reverend George Trosse
Written by himself, and published posthumously according to his order in 1714
Watch-fires on the Mountains
The life and writings of Ethel Johns
Measure of the Rule

The Letters of Thomas Hood

A Dutch Homesteader On The Prairies
The Letters of Wilhelm de Gelder 1910-13

The Denison Family of Toronto

The Letters of Thomas Hood

The Denison Family of Toronto

A Dutch Homesteader On The Prairies
The Letters of Wilhelm de Gelder 1910-13