Browse Books in Biography & Autobiography

Morningside World Of Stuart Mclean

Lobsticks and Stone Cairns
Human Landmarks in the Arctic

Edward James Lennox
"Builder of Toronto"

Our Young Soldier
Lieutenant Francis Simcoe 6 June 1791-6 April 1812

Gothic Dreams
The Life and Times of a Canadian Architect William Critchlow Harris

Eunice Dyke
Health Care Pioneer

The Darling Diaries
Memoirs of a Political Career

Charles de Salaberry
Soldier of the Empire, Defender of Quebec

James FitzGibbon
Defender of Upper Canada

Edmund Morris
Frontier Artist

Secret Lives of Sgt. John Wilson
A True Story of Love & Murder

Lives of the Princesses of Wales

In Love and War
A memoir

Allan Maclean, Jacobite General
The life of an eighteenth century career soldier

After the Rebellion
The later years of William Lyon Mackenzie

I'd Rather Live in Buxton

Battle Diary
From D-Day and Normandy to the Zuider Zee and VE

That Other Place
A Personal Account of Breast Cancer

Brown of the Globe
Volume Two: Statesman of Confederation 1860-1880

Canada from Afar
The Daily Telegraph Book of Canadian Obituaries

The Life and Times of Arthur Maloney
The Last of the Tribunes

Another Path to My Garden
My Life as a Quadriplegic

A Boy's Cottage Diary, 1904

This Woman in Particular
Contexts for the Biographical Image of Emily Carr