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Browse Books in Biography & Autobiography

Correspondance g�n�rale d'Helv�tius

1774-1800 / Lettres 721-855

edited by Peter Allan, Alan Dainard, Marie-Thérèse Inguenaud, Jean Orsoni & David Smith

Sir Charles Tupper

Fighting Doctor to Father of Confederation

by (author) Jock Murray

Marshall McLuhan

The Medium And The Messenger

by (author) Philip Marchand
foreword by Neil Postman

Born for the Wild Country

Big Feet and a Mouth to Match

by (author) Chilco Choate

Identities 8

Defining Moments

by (author) Arnold Toutant

The Ladies, the Gwich'in, and the Rat

Travels on the Athabasca, Mackenzie, Rat, Porcupine, and Yukon Rivers in 1926

by (author) Clara Vyvyan
edited by I.S. MacLaren & Lisa LaFramboise

Waking Up in the Men’s Room

A Memoir

by (author) Catherine Macleod

The Canadian Sansei

by (author) Tomoko Makabe

Leonard Albert Miller

Public Servant

by (author) John R. Martin

John A. Macdonald

The Young Politician. The Old Chieftain

by (author) Estate of Donald Creighton
introduction by P.B. Waite

Growing Up in Manitoba

by (author) Harold Draper

Bedside Manners

George Clooney and ER

by (author) Sam Keenleyside

A Leaf In The Bitter Wind

A Memoir

by (author) Ting-Xing Ye

Anderson Ruffin Abbott

by (author) M. Dalyce Newby

Mamie's Children

Generations of Prairie Women

by (author) Judy Schultz

John Marshall

Definer of a Nation

by (author) Jean Edward Smith

The Place in the Forest

by (author) R.D. Lawrence

York Wilson

His Life and Work, 1907-1984

by (author) Sandra Dyck & Lela Wilson

We Who Can Fly

edited by Elizabeth Greene

Defiance in Their Eyes

True Stories from the Margins

by (author) Ann Charney


The apprenticeship of a young writer as a hospital clerk

by (author) Andrew Steinmetz

In the Heart of Warsaw

by (author) Slozma Renglich
translated by Zigmund Jampel

Restless Energy

A Biography of William Rowan 1891-1957

by (author) Marianne Ainley

Half Man, Half Beast

Making a Life in Canadian Theatre

by (author) Maurice Podbrey & R. Bruce Henry

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