Browse Books in Biography & Autobiography

Jakob, Out of the Village

Comfort Food for Breakups
The Memoir of a Hungry Girl

Fashioning Reality
New Generation Entrepreneurship
Northern Tigers
Building Ethical Canadian Corporate Champions

Three Against the Wilderness

Angels of Death
Inside the Bikers' Empire of Crime

Long Labour, A
A Dutch Mother's Holocaust Memoir

The Life of Bernini

The Green Heart of the Tree
Essays and Notes on a Time in Africa

The Book of Revenge

Harvey Cushing
A Life in Surgery

A Sketchbook

Ja No Man
Growing Up White In Apartheid Era South Africa

Spitting Champion of the World
Memories Of Antigonish

Trickster Travels
A Sixteenth-Century Muslim Between Worlds
Forgotten World

Loyal Service
Perspectives on French-Canadian Military Leaders

My Hectic Years as Jean Chretien's Diplomatic Advisor, 1994-1998

Behind the Man
John Laurie, Ruth Gorman, and the Indian Vote in Canada

The Dolphin's Tooth
A Decade in Search of Adventure

Nechako Country
In the Footsteps of Bert Irvine

Of This Earth
A Mennonite Boyhood in the Boreal ForestĀ

Bohemian Embassy, The
Memories and Poems

The Intrepid Explorer
James Hector's Explorations in the Canadian Rockies