Browse Books in Biography & Autobiography

The Secret Mulroney Tapes
Unguarded Confessions of a Prime Minister

Teeth of Time
Remembering Pierre Elliott Trudeau

The Teeth of Time
Remembering Pierre Elliott Trudeau

Saskatchewan Agriculture
Lives Past and Present

Hollow Tree
Fighting Addiction with Traditional Native Healing

Hollow Tree
Fighting Addiction with Traditional Native Healing

The Hollow Tree
Fighting Addiction with Traditional Native Healing

Bauxite, Sugar and Mud
Memories of Living in Colonial Guyana 1928-1944

A Passion for Mountains
The Lives of Don and Phyllis Munday

Penguin Black Classics: Klee Wyck
Penguin Black Classics Edition

Roughing It In The Bush Penguin Black Classics Edition

From Dogtown to the X-Games

A Great Feast of Light
Growing Up Irish in the Television Age

No Ordinary Woman
The Story of Mary Schaffer Warren

Notes from the Belly of the Beast

Wild Flowers

Big Bear
The End of Freedom

My Heart is Africa
A Flying Adventure

Emily Carr
A Biography

Break Point
The Secret Diary of a Pro Tennis Player

Walking After Midnight
One Woman's Journey Through Murder, Justice and Forgiveness

Memoirs and Madness
Leonid Andreev Through the Prism of the Literary Portrait

Waiting for the Messiah

Newfoundland Portfolio
A History in Portraits