Browse Books in Biography & Autobiography

Measuring Mother Earth
How Joe the Kid Became Tyrrell of the North

John A
The Man Who Made Us

Fifteen Days
Stories of Bravery, Friendship, Life and Death from Inside the New Canadian Army

Around the World in 57 1/2 Gigs

The Staircase Letters
An Extraordinary Friendship at the End of Life
The Paris Review Interviews, III
The Indispensable Collection of Literary Wisdom

Staying in the Game
The Remarkable Story of Doc Seaman

Mud, Sweat and Tears

The Life and Times of Raúl Prebisch, 1901-1986

J.W. McConnell
Financier, Philanthropist, Patriot

Legacy in Wood
The Wahl Family Boat Builders

Undiplomatic Diaries
Frank Moores
The Time of His Life

Sir Andrew Macphail
The Life and Legacy of a Canadian Man of Letters

The Agassi Story

Immodest and Sensational
150 Years of Canadian Women in Sports

Joseph Brant and His World
18th Century Mohawk Warrior and Statesman

Marrying Hungary

Any Other Woman

Nelson's Yankee Captain
The Life of Boston Loyalist Sir Benjamin Hallowell

Graham Greene
A Life in Letters

Lillian the Legend

In Between
Memoir of an Integration Baby

Confessions of a Herpetologist