Women Posts

The Queen of Peace Room

Unbuttoned - Our Farming Life in Southeastern Ontario
Our Farming Life in Southeastern Ontario

I was always going to write essays
"I was always going to write essays, tracing the sentences on the page like bird tracks or flight paths or the first chanterelles emerging after late …

One Woman's Canoeing Adventures in the Divine Near-Wilderness

One Woman’s Canoeing Adventures in the Divine Near-Wilderness

Up The Coast
One Family's Wild Life in the Forests of British Columbia

Up The Coast
One Family's Wild Life in the Forests of British Columbia

Pour sortir les allumettières de l’ombre
Les ouvrières de la manufacture d’allumettes E. B. Eddy de Hull (1854-1928)

Antarctic Pioneer
The Trailblazing Life of Jackie Ronne

Antarctic Pioneer
The Trailblazing Life of Jackie Ronne