Recipes Posts

Summer Eats: Roasted Tomatoes from Per La Familiglia
Give your Canadian summer a mediterranean twist with this recipe for roasted tomatoes from Emily Richards' Per La Famiglia: Memories and Recipes of Southern …

Berries, Tomatoes, Apples, and Peaches

Butternut Brownies from The Everyday Squash Cook
Squash: nutritious, delicious and versatile. Here's proof.

Best Eats: Sweet Potato Chickpea Stew from Michael Smith's Family Meals
With the chill in the air that September brings, this recipe for Sweet Potato Chickpea Stew will seem especially delicious. Enjoy!

Summer Eats: Greek-Style Mussel and Watermelon Salad
Is there anything more refreshing than a cool slice of watermelon on a hot summer’s day? A delicious recipe from the new Mussels cookbook.

Fight the Blahs With Butter Beer From The Canadian Craft Beer Cookbook
A great warming recipe from David Ort's new cookbook.

Food and Travel in Atlantic Canada
Six Foods to Change Your Life, With Mouth-Watering Recipes
It's one thing to tell people what to do about their health and lifestyle. It's another for an author to apply his advice to himself, lose 40 pounds, …

Peter, Peter, Pumpkin Eater
An excerpt from Nothing More Comforting: Canada's Heritage Food by Dorothy Duncan

Megan Ogilvie Dishes on the Hidden Horrors in Fast Food and How to Combat Them
Toronto Star columnist Megan Ogilvie reveals the tiny terrors hiding in fast food, and how to combat them.