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49th Teachers Posts

Book Review: The Boy Who Moved Christmas by Eric Walters & Nicole Wellwood

by Geoffrey Ruggero

The Boy Who Moved Christmas is a beautiful story of a community coming together to grant the wish of a young boy battling cancer. It brings about the …

COVID–19 Teacher Diary: Making the Best of Back to School 2020

by Jonelle St. Aubyn

When school ended on March 13th due to the COVID-19 pandemic, teaching as I knew it was about to change dramatically. We went from teaching and learning …

COVID–19 Teacher Diary: Teachers, Don't Forget to Take Care of Yourselves

by Allison Hall

This summer has not been as per usual: a time to rest, reflect and plan for the upcoming school year. As an avid reader of historical plague novels, it …

COVID–19 Teacher Diary: On Reopening Schools Without Libraries

by Jennifer Byrne

We’ve waited so long for some sense of a return to normalcy. Now, with schools on the cusp of reopening, they do so under the rightful scrutiny of anxious …

COVID–19 Teacher Diary: Pondering the “What If” with Shari Green & Caroline Pignat

by Erika MacNeil

During this time of self-isolation and social distancing, books can sometimes be our only companions as the days stretch before us, looping in a Groundhog …

COVID–19 Teacher Diary: Eric Walters' New Book Explores the "Now Normal"

by Geoffrey Ruggero

Written, published and released during a pandemic: Eric Walters defies traditional publishing norms to create a book for young people living through the …

COVID–19 Teacher Diary: A New Way to Celebrate the Forest of Reading

by Jennifer Byrne

Forest of Reading is Canada’s largest recreational reading program, celebrating Canadian books and authors. In the eyes of Canadian kids, it is the …

COVID–19 Teacher Diary: Time to Slow Down, with Deborah Ellis & Richard Scrimger

by Erika MacNeil

This is the second pair in a series of interviews with a host of Forest of Reading authors interviewed by Erika MacNeil, Teacher-Librarian at Rogers PS …

COVID–19 Teacher Diary: Personal Picks from Your Local Librarian

by Linda Ludke

It has now been over eight weeks since my public library closed its physical doors—but our virtual doors are always open. I’ve found some of the connection …

COVID–19 Teacher Diary: Writing in the Time of Corona, with Vicki Grant & Kevin Sylvester

by Erika MacNeil

This is the first pair in a series of 8 interviews with a host of Forest of Reading authors interviewed by Erika MacNeil, Teacher-Librarian at Rogers …

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