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Scholastic Canada Ltd

Books from this publisher

Whatever You Do, Don't Go Near That Canoe!

by (author) Julie Lawson
illustrated by Werner Zimmermann

The Gypsy Princess

by (author) Phoebe Gilman

Amy's Promise

by (author) Bernice Thurman Hunter

My Homework Is in the Mail!

by (author) Becky Citra

Mama's Bed

by (author) Jo Ellen Bogart
illustrated by Sylvie Daigneault

The Royal Canadian Mounted Police

by (author) Marc Tetro

Tell Me a Story: The Balloon Tree

Book and Cassette

by (author) Phoebe Gilman

Ellen's Secret

by (author) Jean Booker

Lili Tire-bouchon dans la chasse au monstre

by (author) Phoebe Gilman

Row, Row, Row Your Boat

by (author) Robin Muller

C'est Benjamin qui mène!

by (author) Paulette Bourgeois
illustrated by Brenda Clark

In My Backyard

by (author) John Devries
illustrated by Werner Zimmermann

Tell Me a Story: Farmer Joe Goes to the City

illustrated by Werner Zimmermann
by (author) Nancy Wilcox Richards

Un merveilleux petit rien

by (author) Phoebe Gilman

Tell Me a Story: Grandma and the Pirates

Book and Cassette

by (author) Phoebe Gilman

Tell Me a Story: Henny Penny

Book and Cassette

illustrated by Werner Zimmermann

The Margaret Trilogy

by (author) Bernice Thurman Hunter

Margaret in the Middle

by (author) Bernice Thurman Hunter

Margaret on Her Way

by (author) Bernice Thurman Hunter

A Place for Margaret

by (author) Bernice Thurman Hunter

Lion Dancer

Ernie Wan's Chinese New Year

by (author) Kate Waters
illustrated by Madeline Slovenz-Low

Cosimo Cat

by (author) Kenneth Oppel

Grand-mère et les pirates

by (author) Phoebe Gilman

Chewing Gum and Other Crimes

by (author) Sylvia Gunnery

The Nine Days Queen

by (author) Karleen Bradford

Little Blue Hen

by (author) Phoebe Gilman


by (author) Vlasta Van Kampen & Irene C. Eugen-Raisen

Vite, vite, Benjamin!

by (author) Paulette Bourgeois & Christiane Duchesne
illustrated by Brenda Clark

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