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Inhabit Media

Books from this publisher

Kits, Cubs, and Calves

An Arctic Summer

by (author) Suzie Napayok-Short
illustrated by Tamara Campeau

What's My Superpower?

by (author) Aviaq Johnston
illustrated by Tim Mack

Una Huna?: What Is This?

by (author) Susan Aglukark
illustrated by Danny Christopher & Amiel Sandland

Kaakuluk: Greenland Sharks!

Greenland Sharks!

edited by Inhabit Media

Life Cycles of Caribou

by (author) Monica Ittusardjuat
illustrated by Emma Pedersen

Kamik Takes the Lead

by (author) Darryl Baker
illustrated by Ali Hinch

Kaakuluk: Wolverine!


edited by Inhabit Media

The Raven and the Loon

by (author) Rachel Qitsualik-Tinsley & Sean Qitsualik-Tinsley
illustrated by Kim Smith

How I Survived

Four Nights on the Ice (Inuktitut)

by (author) Serapio Ittusardjuat
illustrated by Matthew K. Hoddy

When Pumpkins Fly


illustrated by Margaret Lawrence & Amiel Sandland

The Shaman's Apprentice


by (author) Zacharias Kunuk
illustrated by Megan Kyak-Monteith

Tanna's Owl

by (author) Rachel Qitsualik-Tinsley & Sean Qitsualik-Tinsley
illustrated by Yong Ling Kang

Sweetest Kulu

by (author) Celina Kalluk
illustrated by Alexandria Neonakis

Animals Illustrated: Caribou


by (author) Dorothy Aglukark & David Aglukark
illustrated by Amiel Sandland

The Walrus and the Caribou

by (author) Maika Harper
illustrated by Marcus Cutler

Animals Illustrated: Caribou

by (author) Dorothy Aglukark & David Aglukark
illustrated by Amiel Sandland

The Walrus and the Caribou


by (author) Maika Harper
illustrated by Marcus Cutler

Those Who Run in the Sky

by (author) Aviaq Johnston
illustrated by Toma Feizo Gas

Painted Skies

by (author) Carolyn Mallory
illustrated by Amei Zhao

In My Anaana's Amautik

by (author) Nadia Sammurtok
illustrated by Lenny Lishchenko

In My Anaana's Amautik


by (author) Nadia Sammurtok
illustrated by Lenny Lishchenko


by (author) The Jerry Cans
illustrated by Eric Kim

Kamik Takes the Lead


by (author) Darryl Baker
illustrated by Ali Hinch

A Children's Guide to Arctic Butterflies

by (author) Mia Pelletier
illustrated by Danny Christopher

The Owl and the Two Rabbits

by (author) Nadia Sammurtok
illustrated by Marcus Cutler

Those Who Dwell Below

by (author) Aviaq Johnston
illustrated by Toma Feizo Gas

Una Huna?: What Is This?


by (author) Susan Aglukark
illustrated by Danny Christopher & Amiel Sandland

In the Sky at Nighttime

by (author) Laura Deal
illustrated by Tamara Campeau

The Pencil

by (author) Susan Avingaq & Maren Vsetula
illustrated by Charlene Chua

The Owl and the Two Rabbits


by (author) Nadia Sammurtok
illustrated by Marcus Cutler

Kamik rejoint la meute

by (author) Darryl Baker
illustrated by Qin Leng

Notre première chasse au caribou

by (author) Chris Giroux & Jennifer Noah
illustrated by Hwei Lim

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