Black Canadian Voices from BlackLit Durham
Books written by upcoming and previous features of the BlackLit Durham literary series in Ajax, Ontario ( List includes titles by Afua Cooper, George Elliott Clarke, Mary Anne Chambers, the late Aaron Berhane, Tanya Turton, Sifton Tracey Anipare, Craig Shreve, Nadia L. Hohn, Andrea Thompson, Morgan Campbell, Kern Carter, Gloria Blizzard, and A. Gregory Frankson.

The Halifax Explosion
6 December 1917 at 9:05 in the Morning

The Hanging Of Angelique
The Untold Story of Canadian Slavery and the Burning of Old Montreal


George And Rue

From the Heart
Family. Community. Service.

The Burden of Exile
A Banned Journalist's Flight from Dictatorship

Jade Is a Twisted Green


The African Samurai
A Novel

Getting Us to Grandma’s

A Selected History of Soul Speak

My Fighting Family
Borders and Bloodlines and the Battles That Made Us

Boys and Girls Screaming

Is There a Boy Like Me?

And Then There Was Us

Malaika, Carnival Queen

A Likkle Miss Lou
How Jamaican Poet Louise Bennett Coverley Found Her Voice

Black Cake, Turtle Soup, and Other Dilemmas

Perspectives of Black Canadian Poets