2020 Manitoba Book Awards Shortlists
On behalf of the coalition producing the 2020 Manitoba Book Awards/Les Prix du livre du Manitoba, we are excited to share the shortlists for 11 separate awards recognizing excellence in Manitoba writing, book design, and publishing. Congratulations to all the nominees! https://www.manitobabookawards.com/index.php/en/

Don Proch
Masking and Mapping

Friends, Foes, and Furs
George Nelson's Lake Winnipeg Journals, 1804–1822

Older Sister. Not Necessarily Related.
A Memoir

Radical Housewives
Price Wars and Food Politics in Mid-Twentieth-Century Canada

Radical Medicine
The International Origins of Socialized Health Care in Canada

All That Belongs

Communal Solidarity
Immigration, Settlement, and Social Welfare in Winnipeg’s Jewish Community, 1882–1930

A Photo Series

The North-West Is Our Mother
The Story of Louis Riel's People, the Métis Nation

Walking in Canada's Urban Forests

The Accidental Veterinarian
Tales from a Pet Practice

Even That Wildest Hope

Moon Was a Feather

Mrs Romanov

pressure cooker love bomb

St. Boniface Elegies

A Novel


What Fox Knew
And Others

Awâsis and the World-Famous Bannock

The Grizzly Mother

Place Into Being

Elizabeth of Bohemia
A Novel about Elizabeth Stuart, the Winter Queen

Five Wives
A Novel