Books to Laugh With
Thanks so much to our 49th Shelf community for sharing books that made them laugh out loud. Many aren't straight comedy but shoot humour from unexpected places, making the whole read that much more incredible.

Sputnik’s Children
A Novel

Woefield Poultry Collective, The
A Novel

A Novel in Warnings

Not Being on a Boat

Falling for Myself
A Memoir

I Am Herod

From the Far Side of the River
Chest-Deep in Little Fishes and Big Ideas

How Should a Person Be?

Lenny Bruce Is Dead

Laughing All The Way To The Mosque

Love Monster, The
A Novel

The Orange Fish

The Gum Thief

Tilly and the Crazy Eights

The Slip

Captain of Kinnoull Hill, The


Barney's Version
Penguin Modern Classics Edition