Jennifer Cockrall-King on Brilliant Food Books
Jennifer Cockrall-King is the co-author of tawâw: Progressive Indigenous Cuisine, and this list stems from a blog post she wrote for us on stunning cookbook authors and food writing in general. You can find it here:

Progressive Indigenous Cuisine

Anita Stewart's Canada

Kosher Style
Over 100 Jewish Recipes for the Modern Cook: A Cookbook

Joe Beef: Surviving the Apocalypse
Another Cookbook of Sorts

The Boreal Feast
A Culinary Journey Through the North

The Boreal Gourmet
Adventures in Northern Cooking

Taste of Persia
A Cook's Travels Through Armenia, Azerbaijan, Georgia, Iran, and Kurdistan

Odd Bits


Whitewater Cooks
Pure, Simple and Real Creations from the Fresh Tracks Cafe

Secrets from My Vietnamese Kitchen
Simple Recipes from My Many Mothers: A Cookbook